The Trouble With Mnemonics

One technique that is proposed for remembering your passwords is to think of a phrase or a line from a song and then pick the first letter of each word to make up your password. Then you have to make some of the letters caps. Oh yeah, then you need to throw in a symbol or number or two. Before you know it you have forgotten your own little scheme. Just about the time you can recite your password without the assistance of a sticky note you are asked to change your password and start all over. Let's see ... what song did I use last time?

Microsoft has this suggested method of generating a password. It is just not that practical and you will soon forget how you derived the password in the first place. So if the goal is to use a random password then why not just have one generated for you?

There are plenty of password generators available. Of course you can find one on this site as well.

Go ahead and try our Password Generator.



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